Saturday 18 July 2020

How to Make Quick and Easy Pesto - Vegan options

I picked basil and parsley from my garden. Doesn’t get any fresher. The smell is incredible.
You will need about 3 loose cups of basil and one loose cup of parsley. Wash and remove leaves from stem and pat dry. I made  the mistake once of forgetting to remove stems and threw everything in the blender.  It was awful. I will never make that mistake again. 
Put them both in food processor and give it a couple of pulses to chop it.
Then you can add all your other ingredients in at once and continue to chop at medium to high speed until you are happy with the consistency. I like to see the pieces of basil and parsley in mine so I don’t process for too long. If you don’t have a food processor you can use a blender. You can also chop by hand.

Half a coarsely chopped onion
A quarter of a clove of finely minced garlic....a little raw garlic goes a long way.
2 pieces of sundried tomatoes, roughly chopped 
A handful of pine nuts
Juice of half a lemon
Half a tsp salt or to taste
Pinch of pepper 
5 to 6 Tbsps olive oil or more until you are happy with consistency 
One to two tbsp balsamic vinegar
A couple of tbsps of grated vegan Romano style cheese. It is also delicious without any cheese as well.

And if you don’t have dairy allergies, throw in a couple of tbsps of Parmesan or Romano cheese. You can also add cream to your pesto for a creamy consistency.
Delicious on many types of pasta including potato gnocchi, rotini and any gluten free pasta of your choice.
Mmmmmmmh, smells like the garden!

How to Make Easy Potato Gnocchi (Vegan)

1 comment:

DI said...

Such a bold green summertime dish. Hope you enjoyed eating it al fresco?