Tuesday 28 July 2020

Eggs Poached in a Tomato Sauce - Poached Eggs in Purgatory

Eggs Poached in Tomato Sauce

Eggs Poached in Tomato Sauce - Poached Eggs in Purgatory 

So easy and quick on those nights where it’s too hot to be over a hot stove for too long.
Eggs are so versatile and can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner .
This egg dish can be eaten for lunch or dinner.
I am poaching two eggs in this recipe so I will make enough enough sauce for two.
This recipe can easily be modified for more people.
I use one cup of crushed tomatoes, a few slices of onion, dried oregano and basil, salt and pepper.
Basically that’s it. 
Heat up a drizzle or two of your best olive oil, give your onion a little fry and add your sauce.
Add your seasonings and let cook down until reduced and thickened. Should only take about 15 minutes.
Add your whole eggs one at a time. Cover and let com for 3 minutes for a soft yolk.
Eat with bread!

Saturday 18 July 2020

How to Make Quick and Easy Pesto - Vegan options

I picked basil and parsley from my garden. Doesn’t get any fresher. The smell is incredible.
You will need about 3 loose cups of basil and one loose cup of parsley. Wash and remove leaves from stem and pat dry. I made  the mistake once of forgetting to remove stems and threw everything in the blender.  It was awful. I will never make that mistake again. 
Put them both in food processor and give it a couple of pulses to chop it.
Then you can add all your other ingredients in at once and continue to chop at medium to high speed until you are happy with the consistency. I like to see the pieces of basil and parsley in mine so I don’t process for too long. If you don’t have a food processor you can use a blender. You can also chop by hand.

Half a coarsely chopped onion
A quarter of a clove of finely minced garlic....a little raw garlic goes a long way.
2 pieces of sundried tomatoes, roughly chopped 
A handful of pine nuts
Juice of half a lemon
Half a tsp salt or to taste
Pinch of pepper 
5 to 6 Tbsps olive oil or more until you are happy with consistency 
One to two tbsp balsamic vinegar
A couple of tbsps of grated vegan Romano style cheese. It is also delicious without any cheese as well.

And if you don’t have dairy allergies, throw in a couple of tbsps of Parmesan or Romano cheese. You can also add cream to your pesto for a creamy consistency.
Delicious on many types of pasta including potato gnocchi, rotini and any gluten free pasta of your choice.
Mmmmmmmh, smells like the garden!

How to Make Easy Potato Gnocchi (Vegan)

Tuesday 14 July 2020

Cicoria e rise - Dandelion and Rice - Vegan Options

Bisnonna Alcina’s
Cicoria e Rise - Dandelion and Rice

Gluten free, dairy and egg free, vegan. And made in one pot!!!!
My mother taught me how to make this dish. It’s something that we ate regularly as kids growing up. I remember helping my mother and her sisters forage for dandelion in the fields. Super  healthy!! You should give it a try. It is bitter when eaten raw but you can remove most of the bitterness by preboiling. I like the bitterness, so I don’t boil it too long. Maybe a couple of minutes so it’s tender. It will continue to cook in the pot too.
Begin by washing and trimming your dandelion discarding any dark or damaged leaves, you can refer to my Dandelion Salad video for a closer look at how to wash and trim dandelion.

Super Green Dandelion Salad

Boil it for a couple of minutes and drain. Squeeze water out and chop into one inch pieces.
Back in the same pot, add three and a half cups of cold water with half a cup of Passata, or jarred, crushed tomatoes. You can also use fresh crushed tomatoes or canned. Bring all to a boil.
Add one bouillon cube, chicken or vegetable. You can also cook this in your own homemade chicken or vegetable broth. Refer to my video on how to make your own broth.

How to make easy Chicken Broth - Brodo Di Nonna

How to Make Homemade Vegetable Broth

Then add half a chopped onion, one cup Italian rice, the precooked dandelion and drizzle it all with extra virgin olive oil. Let it simmer stirring often. Salt and pepper to taste. Remember the bouillon cube is already salted.
That’s pretty much it. It will take about 20 to 25 minutes for the rice to cook. Taste for seasoning and add water as needed, if it gets too dry. This should be soupy style dish, not too dry.
Top with your favourite grated cheese. Yum!

Thursday 2 July 2020

Amaretto Iced Espresso - Dairy Free

Amaretto Iced Espresso 

You need your coffee but it’s way too hot for a regular coffee. Let’s make iced coffee. Very refreshing.
There are so many options when making this. Mine is dairy free and not too many calories.
First you need to decide what coffee you want to use. This works great with regular coffee or espresso coffee,  flavoured coffee and decaf coffee.
I made a huge pot of decaf espresso and instead of throwing the leftovers down the drain, I chilled it.
To the coffee, which is about one cup, I added half a cup of almond milk. You can use cream, you can use soy milk, oat milk, regular milk...........any kind you like.
Then if you happen to be hanging around the pool, you may choose to add a little shot of Amaretto.
You can also try Sambucca or Baileys Irish Cream. By the way, for those of you who have dairy allergies but love Baileys Irish Cream ( this has dairy in it) I’ve recently discovered that Baileys makes an Irish cream using almond milk! Very good!!
Now if you want to make it a little more special, add whipped cream and top it off with a cherry.
I used coconut cream!!
Enjoy!! And stay cool!