Friday 27 March 2020

How to Cook Rapini

How to cook Rapini / Broccoli Raab

How to Cook Rapini

Eating more Greens!

Many people avoid this very healthy green because they find it too bitter. However, this method of cooking will remove some of the bitterness and your whole family will love it.
First, begin by buying a bunch of rapini that does not have yellow flowers and the leaves are green and fresh looking.
I soak them then wash them thoroughly, removing and discarding any damaged or browning leaves.
I then trim each bunch by cutting off the bottom of the stem and then splitting the stem in half for even cooking.
Bring a pot of water to a boil and throw in the rapini. When the water returns to a boil, cook for 3 minutes. This precooking removes some, if not most, of the bitterness. I like some bitterness so I taste the rapini before I drain them.
I finish cooking the rapini by draining them and returning the rapini back to the pot with some leftover rapini water. To the rapini I add one teaspoon salt, pepper to taste, 3 to 4 extra virgin olive oil, or more, and  2 Bay Leaves.
I continue to simmer slowly for another 5 minutes or so until they are tender.
If you are not sure about rapini or tasted in the past but did not like it due to its bitterness, try this will love

Thursday 26 March 2020

Fried Baccala made with dried Salted Codfish - Dairy Free, Egg Free

Fried Baccala

Fried Baccala, Egg And Dairy Free Fried Dried Salted Cod

Fried Baccala - Egg Free, Dairy Free
Fried Cod Fish Using Dried Salted Cod Fish

Baccala is the main attraction at an Italian dinner table on a Good Friday where we abstain from eating meat. It is also eaten on Christmas Eve where we focus on fish as the main star.
However, Baccala needs preplanning as the fish is purchased dried and salted and will need a few days to rehydrate.
Purchase your cod at least 4 days before you want to cook it.
Begin by cutting it into pieces that are all relatively the same size and thickness.This will ensure that they will rehydrate evenly.

Day 1 - Once cut, place your salted, dried fish in fresh water. Cover and refrigerate and soak overnight.
Day 2 -Same time next day, change the water, refill container with fresh water, and back in fridge it goes. You may need to set a reminder as changing the water is an important process that eliminates the salt from the fish.
Day 3 - change water, refill with fresh water and refrigerate overnight.
Day 4- Fish should be ready to fry. Do a taste test. If your fish is still too salty, leave in water little longer.

The fish is now rehydrated.
Before we fry it, it needs to be dredged in flour that is seasoned with pepper, garlic powder and dried parsley. Only salt it if needed.
Fish goes from flour straight into frying pan that is coated with any type of vegetable oil. I usually use canola oil. Fry on medium heat. Fish needs awhile to cook through and through so it needs to be monitored constantly. Do not walk away. You will need to add oil as needed.
The goal is to get a crispy exterior. 4 to 5 minutes on each side, depending on its thickness, should give it that beautiful golden colour and crispy exterior.

Go to Gina ‘s Bella Cucina YouTube Channel for more delicious Italian recipes.
If you have any questions, please leave  in the comment section.

Sunday 22 March 2020

Make your own pizza sauce, quick and easy, in under one minute

Pizza Sauce

Make your own pizza sauce, quick and easy, in under one minute and make quick and easy pizza with  your children.

Make your own Pizza Sauce, quick and easy, in under one minute

Easy Pizza Making with your Children, dairy free and egg free option

This pizza sauce does not require cooking and you will never want to buy canned sauce again.

You will need 3/4 of a cup of jarred Passata, which is uncooked crushed tomatoes. You can also use canned crushed tomatoes or canned plum tomatoes that you can chop up.
To the tomatoes you will add:
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 tsp each of dried Oregano and Basil and Rosemary if you like
1/2 tsp garlic powder
Drizzle of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
That’s it!!

Stir, and you have a delicious pizza sauce that’ll be enough for two medium pizzas.

While waiting for pizza to cook, go to “Getting Along with Lola Bird” YouTube channel link.
Children’s book read aloud written and Illustrated by Canadian author, Rita Di Gianvittorio
Book can be purchased on line at Amazon or Chapters.

Friday 20 March 2020

Easy Pasta Making with the Children, Egg Free, Dairy Free

Easy Pasta Making with your Children, Egg Free, Dairy Free

Making Bow Tie Pasta with the Children, Egg Free , Dairy Free

Easy pasta making with the children,  Egg Free, Dairy Free
You will not need any equipment such as a pasta machine for this recipe. It is all made by hand.

Well we survived week one of March Break....... barely, and we have a few more weeks of the kids saying “I’m Bored”.
Let’s get them involved in the cooking process! Children will love helping and they will enjoy the hands on component of cooking. There’s no better way to give your kids the tools to feed themselves in a fun and healthy way, than to involve them.
This recipe is very simple as are the ingredients- flour and water. I usually make my pasta with semolina flour, however, most people don’t have semolina flour in their cupboards so I will keep it simple and use unbleached flour.

You will need 2 cups regular unbleached flour
3/4 cup warm water
1 tsp salt

Make a pile of flour on your counter.  Granite works great as does a wooden board.
Add your salt and using your fingers gradually stir the water in. Keep stirring it all together until a ball of dough forms. Then you knead for at least 5 minutes until your dough is smooth.
Let the dough rest under plastic wrap for 10 minutes. This waiting will be the most difficult time for the kids. This would be a good opportunity for the kids to scrape off the flour from the work surface and the adults can get a pot of water boiling.
Cut of a small portion of the dough and roll  into 1 centimetre or half an inch long ropes.
Cut the rope into 5 cm pieces or close to 2 inches. You will need to use 3 fingers to roll into the dough to make indentations.
Refer to my YouTube video to see exactly how it’s made.
Boil the pasta in salted water until they float and then another few minutes. Taste the pasta for doneness.
A quick and easy dairy free and egg free sauce for the pasta can be made with vegan butter or margarine and dried sage. If you don’t have sage, vegan butter alone is delicious. If you like garlic, throw some in while melting the butter. Just melt in a pot, stir and combine with pasta. Top with vegan Romano cheese.
Of course you can use any tomato sauce for this pasta and if you don’t mind cheese, top it with Parmesan or Romano cheese. Your children will be so proud of their efforts and so will you!

Marinara Sauce Recipe
How to Make Easy Potato Gnocchi (Vegan)

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Italian Potato Salad, Egg Free, Dairy Free

Italian Potato Salad, Egg Free, Dairy Free, Vegan - No mayonnaise 

Italian Potato Salad, Egg Free, Dairy Free

This is a family favourite! You can eat it warm or make ahead and store it in the refrigerator.

I would normally make this using fresh herbs from my garden but I am tired of winter and want to bring some green into my kitchen. I do grow basil and parsley indoors so I have fresh herbs all winter long. I can also purchase fresh herbs from my grocery store. If you don’t have fresh herbs, you can certainly used all dried herbs which you can find all year round.


5 Medium potatoes - peeled and chopped then boiled in salted water, about 1 tsp of salt.
3 tbsps of extra virgin olive oil
3 tbsps red wine vinegar
2 tbsps each of your freshly chopped herbs: basil, parsley, oregano, rosemary, and sliced green onion
If using dried herbs, then add 1 tsp of each.
Salt and pepper to taste
You can use any kind of potato and you have the option of keeping the skin on if you like. I tend to keep the skin on when using red potatoes. It looks very nice!
Keep track of the potatoes when boiling. Potato needs to be well cooked but not overcooked as it will fall apart. I begin checking after 10 minutes of boiling. It usually takes 15 minutes to cook if your potato chunks are larger in size.
Drain and rinse with cold water. This will stop the cooking process. The potatoes don’t have to be cold.
Now at this point, you can add all of the ingredients, stir and eat it warm! Delicious.
Or, you can let it cool and refrigerate and save for later use. If you allow it to sit, the potatoes have time to soak in all of the flavours!

Thursday 12 March 2020

Chicken Broth - Brodo Di Nonna

Chicken Broth - Brodo Di Nonna

Chicken Broth - Brodo Di Nonna- click on link below for YouTube video

Feeling chilly?? Under the weather?? Learn how to make your own comforting chicken broth  that Nonna says makes everything better. You totally control the salt. Throw in any vegetables that you like....zucchini, tomatoes, squash, string beans, legumes, pasta, etc., and you have a very satisfying and nutritious meal in one pot! If your preference is vegan, click on the link below to learn how to make a vegetable broth.

How to Make Homemade Vegetable Broth


A package of chicken backs. If you can’t find chicken backs in your grocery store you can use chicken parts such as legs, thighs, you can chop up a whole chicken or stewing hen.Nonna also uses turkey parts such as wings or thighs as well. I save the cooked meat for other meals.

3 chicken backs 
1 celery stalk,chopped
1 large carrot, peeled and chopped
2 small onions or one large, with skin on and chopped
I also sometimes add 2 quartered ripe tomatoes
1 to 2 Bay leaves
8 to 10 peppercorns.
One tsp salt to to taste
3 litres of fresh cold water or 12 cups

Bring your water and chicken backs to a boil. Skim off the white brownish foam which I call “scum”.Add all of your vegetables, salt and pepper and let simmer for about 3 hours. 
Strain all and I like to save the carrots and return them to the broth nicely sliced.
Now you have a blank slate or plain broth. You can drink it as is or you can get creative and throw in those beautiful vegetables that you harvested from your vegetable garden! I added carrots and celery that I saved from my strained vegetables. I also threw in spaghettini pasta broken in half and the boiled chicken meat from the chicken strained chicken backs. Top with any cheese you like and parsley.

Thursday 5 March 2020

Minestrone Soup, one Pot, Vegan, Gluten Free Pasta

Minestrone Soup - One Pot, Dairy Free, Vegan and Gluten Free!

Minestrone Soup, One Pot, Vegan and Gluten Free

This is a hearty meal made in one pot with cooking time of half an hour.
Perfect for a cold winter day and can be made with whatever vegetables you have in your fridge or freezer.
If you had the opportunity to make the vegetable broth from my last YouTube episode, this would be the perfect recipe to use it in.
Homemade Vegetable Broth

You will need:
1 1/2 to 2 litres or 6-7 cups of vegetable broth (you can use chicken broth if you prefer)
If you didn’t make broth then you can buy stock in a box or use vegetable or chicken bouillon cubes - I would use two cubes.
1/2 cup of passata - jarred crushed can also canned tomatoes or fresh ripe tomatoes
1 carrot -peeled and cubed
1 celery stalk - cubed
About a handful of celery leaves, chopped
1 small potato - peeled and cubed
1/2 onion- thinly sliced or chopped
1 cup white kidney beans, drained and rinsed- you can use chick peas or Romano beans or whatever you prefer
1 cup fusilli pasta- you can use any pasta- I used organic super grain pasta with chia, quinoa, amaranth and sorghum. Gluten free, vegan, rice free and corn free. Very high in fibre and iron.
1/2 medium sized zucchini - sliced or cubed - you can use any type of squash
Salt and pepper to taste
Extra virgin olive oil for drizzling and garnish with chopped parsley, Romano or Parm cheese or vegan cheese

Bring your broth and passata to a boil. Salt and pepper to taste. Add all your vegetable and pasta. Stir and drizzle with olive oil. Simmer until all is fork tender. 20 minutes.
Add any type of legume. I used kidney beans , warm and stir. 5 minutes.Taste for seasoning. DONE!
Ladle into a bowl. Add about two tablespoons of kidney beans to centre of soup and top with fresh chopped parsley. Sprinkle with grated, vegan Romano imitation cheese and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmh. It will warm you up. Quick and easy easy, You can swap vegetables. I’ve often included spinach, Swiss chard, or escarole. Use whatever canned beans you have, including chicken peas.  You can also throw in frozen beans, peas or spinach. Stay Warm!!

Sunday 1 March 2020

Vegetable Broth, Vegan

Vegetable Broth

Make your own vegetable broth in a little over an hour using fresh ingredients, no meat and can be used as a soup base or added to many other recipes.

Begin by adding 2.5 litres or 10 cups of water to a large pot.
To the water add:
2 large carrots, peeled and chopped
2 large celery stalks, chopped
One large onion, chopped ( add the onion skin too as it will give your broth that beautiful golden colour)
One leek, chopped. I cut the leek in half, separate it and wash very carefully as leeks tend to have sand in them
2 dried Bay leaves, whole
8 to 10 whole peppercorns ( just use regular pepper if you don’t have whole ones)
1 1/2 tsp salt... or to taste

Bring all to a boil and simmer. The water will begin to evaporate and the flavours will intensify. Taste after an hour and add salt as needed.  The longer it boils, the more flavour it will have.
After an hour and a bit, strain the broth. You can save the carrots and use them in a soup or make carrot puree for your little ones.
This recipe should make approximately 6 1/2 cups of delicious vegetable broth that you can use for minestrone soups, risotto, rice balls just to name a few.
Healthy, beautiful  colour and delicious!!