Saturday 31 October 2020

Grilled 3 Cheese Panini with Prosciutto Cotto and Apple

Grilled  3 Cheese Panini with Prosciutto and Apple

You don’t need a fancy pants grilling press to be able to make your own gourmet panini! Any stove top pan will do.

Love to watch the cheeses melt as it slowly toasts on the grill!!

No, not dairy free and not vegan!! This has meat and cheese in it!! 

But sometimes I get tired of cooking for my family and want to cook for myself!! This is my go to comforting lunch food😋

This is a delicious combination of cheeses but you can use whichever cheeses you prefer. I love any type of smoked cheese so I like to add it to any grilled panini. You can use sliced Italian bread or an actual panini bun.

You will need: (For one sandwich)

2 slices of Italian bread, butter one side of each slice ( or margarine)

1 slice of Prosciutto Cotto

Mozarella slices - enough to make one layer on your bread

Cheddar cheese slices - for second layer

Smoked Swiss cheese - 3rd layer

Top with sliced apple - I used 4 slices of organic Red Delicious 

Make sure the buttered sides are on the outside of the sandwich as they will go down on the grill.

Heat up your grill to medium and place your sandwich butter side down. Let toast slowly. We don’t want to burn the bread before the cheeses have an opportunity to melt.

Turn over when nicely toasted on one side and toast other side.

Cut in half and enjoy the creamy cheeses and the nice crunch and sweetness of the apple.

Ooooooey gooooooey!, and soooooo good. 


DI said...

Not sure how I missed this recipe! ? I’m reading your blog now, and I must say that the gooey/cheesy factor of this sandwich speaks to me. And of course the apple sounds delicious too. I will have to try it.

DI said...

I must say that the gooey/cheesy factor of this sandwich speaks to me. And of course the apple sounds delicious too. I will have to try it.