Sunday 13 September 2020

Roasted Red Peppers

How to Roast Red Peppers

Roasting red peppers by the bushel is something that I remember my family doing ever since I was a young child. I still continue to do it today. I roast them on the gas BBQ then freeze them. I pull them out as an appetizer, I use them in recipes and I love to eat them for lunch on a slice of Italian bread.😋

You can buy just a few of them if you would like to try them. Usually Shepherd peppers are used.  

I begin by giving them a quick wash then they are placed on a very hot grill over high heat for 30 minutes or so or until they get nice and soft and somewhat blackened. Turn often.

I place them in a dish then cover with plastic wrap and let them sit until they cool and you are able to handle them. The plastic wrap makes it easier to peel them.

Pull off stem and peel the skin off the pepper. Open the pepper up and remove as many of the seeds as you can. Not a big deal if leave some.

Pull the pepper apart into thin strips. This is how I prefer to eat them, but you can leave them in bigger pieces if you like.

I like to then freeze them in small portions, in small plastic containers, enough to eat as an appetizer when we have guests over.  This way I don’t have to thaw out a large amount. You can also freeze them in small freezer bags.

Roasted Red Pepper Appetizer

3/4 of a cup of roasted red peppers, cut into thin slivers

1.5 tbsps extra virgin olive oil

2 tbsps fresh parsley, roughly chopped

Half a small garlic clove, minced

1/4 tsp salt

Pepper to taste

Mix together and serve on a slice of fresh Italian Bread, on bruschetta, or on a slice of fresh ricotta cheese.


DI said...

Roasted peppers preserves is so popular among Italians. There’s a reason why that is the case....OUT OF THIS WORLD flavor! As usual, you do a fantastic job dividing this process into easy steps.

Gina’s Bella Cucina said...

Thanks Di, I am glad you appreciate my “get to the point” recipes! Yes, the flavour is amazing!!