Wednesday 24 June 2020

Dandelion Salad - Dairy Free, Egg Free, Vegan Options

Cicoria or Dandelion Salad Two Ways

Super Green Dandelion Salad

This green is super healthy for you. You can eat it raw in a salad or cook it. It can be very bitter and tough which is why I like to buy organic. They tend to be younger and more tender. I planted some in my garden and once they  start to grow I pick them while still young so I can eat them while tender and not so bitter.

I bought one bunch of organic dandelion and I am using half of it. I soak them in water and wash thoroughly.
I then cut off two to three inches off the bottom of the stem as they can be tough.
I then cut into bit sized pieces. 
I split them in half so that I can make a non dairy version.

The first salad has sliced Vidalia  onion, one sliced hard boiled egg, 2 - 3 Tbsps extra virgin olive oil, 2 Tbsps or more of wine vinegar, salt and pepper to taste. Toss.
For the second version, and for those of you who can’t eat dairy or egg, I replaced the egg with half a diced avocado  and I added a tsp of vegan mayonnaise to make it a little creamy.  

I hope you try this green. If you like bitter, you will love this.

1 comment:

DI said...

What a fresh salad idea! Not many people know that dandelion is delicious-tasting and super healthy too. Thanks for highlighting this ingredient.